Our Favorite Flower Messages for Flower Cards

October 1, 2015

Whether it’s a birthday, a congratulations, or just because, there’s always a reason to put a nice message on the card to go along with your flowers. This month, we decided to feature our favorite messages for flower cards. Some are clever and funny, some are simple and sweet, and one is from a cat! So take a look, get inspired, and maybe your message can make the cut next month. Here’s our top picks from September!

Babe, you wanted hearts and flowers. You have my heart and here are the flowers!

Happy Anniversary Babe! These past two years have been the best! Lets Celebrate! Come find me at the place where we first kissed!

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Chipmunk, while you’re hoarding acorns and nuts, enjoy these flowers. Hopefully they make you feel better! I’m trusting you’ve lost no wisdom after losing those teeth…

I hope you are having a great day! I haven’t sent you flowers for no reason in a long time, so here you go!

It’s been 2 months and you haven’t kicked me to the curb yet. Have the best day!

Happy birthday P! I went a day early because why not celebrate two days in a row!

Smelly, Happy Birthday! I miss you more than Michael Jordan’s arms are long. I can’t wait to come and visit you, but until then smell these flowers and know I’m thinking of you.

Another birthday, another 365-day journey around the sun. Hope this trip is the best one yet! Happy Birthday! We love to the moon and back.

Hi Dumpling – you are pretty, like these flowers.

Hello my love. I had fun playing house with you last week. Hopefully it’s our reality soon!

You’re not just my wife, you’re my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.

Sorry I stole all your Kit-Kats. Excited for date night without our kids.

Thank you so much for believing in me.

I’m still working with Amazon on airlifting cats to your window. Hope these brighten your day!

Dearest friends, Please excuse my bad manners during your attempted visit. My humans promise to banish me from the premises the next time you come. Meow and best wishes, Danny